We're setting up your account now.

We've already started setting up your review management platform.
Here's what to expect next...

  1. We've received your order notification and are busy setting up your account now. Please allow up to 24 hours for account setup.

  2. Within 24 hours (generally within one hour during business hours) , your account manager will email and call you to confirm your account and help you upload your customer contact list to our system.

  3. Speed up the setup process! 
    You can email a .csv or .xls (excel) file to us at to speed this up.  We only need three columns:  
    1. Customer first name, 
    2. email address, 
    3. and if you would like SMS to be sent we also need a mobile number.
Once these three steps are done you'll start receiving reviews and feedback within 24 hours.
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